Types Of Digital Marketing​1

As now you are aware of Digital Marketing and its Importance  and Now you will be interested  as well Curious in knowing the Types and Implementation of Digital Marketing, You are on the Right Article, here you will get to the Type and the Implementations of Digital Marketing

   Quick links :

     1. What is Digital Marketing?
    2. Types of Digital marketing?
    3. Search Engine Optimization
    4. Search Engine Marketing
    5. Social Media Marketing
    6. Email Marketing
    7. Remarketing
    8. Influencer Marketing

 What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a process of Advertising your offerings on Digital Platforms such as  Search Engines and Social Platforms. Let’s understand Marketing for a Better understanding of Digital Marketing.
A Business, either small or big run on some cost, and the cost is covered by the Product or  Service that the Business offers, to increase the sale of a Business, Marketing is necessary to be done and as well for the audience so they are aware of the product or service available in the market. This whole process of Marketing and Business moves in-around.
The Main purpose of Marketing is to Generate More Sales, so to Fulfill the objective of  Marketing Advertising should be done in the Right place and to Right Audience. Today more than our Traditional Mediums, the Audience prefers to be on Online Mediums and thus it creates a reason for Brands to market their product to their Target Audience on Social Platforms, This whole process of Business, Targeting, and Advertising comes under the process of Digital Marketing.

  Types of Digital Marketing :

   Digital Marketing can be broadly classified into majorly six parts, 
       👉 Search Engine Optimization
       👉 Search Engine Marketing
       👉 Social Media Marketing
       👉 Email/SMS /Push Notification Marketing
       👉 Remarketing
       👉 Influencer Marketing   

Search Engine Optimization : 

SEO is a data-driven approach to increase the quality of your website strategy and the overall visibility of your website and brand.
SEO drives traffic to your website to meet the goals of your business that is to increase the Conversions To understand the SEO you need to analyze the Search Pattern of the user by implementing the SEO Strategies and making your website rank on the first page of SERP  (Search Engine Result Page).

   SEO Strategy Include three main Function :

Keyword Research → Website Content  → Backlinks 

      ➤ There are major three types of SEO, that work so far  Keyword Research includes the research from the user’s point of view, what all keywords a user tends that search as a query in the search engine, and what is that focused keywords can be applied on our website for better positioning on SERP.

      ➤ Website Content Include the content writing on a particular set of Query with Focused Keywords included in it.

      ➤ Backlinks are the links of your website that are given follow-ups from other reputed sites with high Domain Authority.

            #There are major three types of SEO, that work so far 
                 1. Technical SEO
                 2. On-Page SEO
                 3. Off-Page SEO

           Technical SEO :

           It refers to the Optimization of websites and servers that help Search Engine Crawlers to  crawl and index your site more efficiently to improve the organic ranking of your website  Technical SEO includes Sitemaps, Robot txt, and Canonical tags 

           ON-Page SEO :

            It refers to the practice of optimizing web pages of your websites to improve the SEO  ranking and increase the organic traffic on your website. On-page SEO includes  Keywords, Meta titles, Description, ALT tags

           OFF-Page SEO:

            It refers to the process of optimizing your website pages outside your website and  getting links from third-party websites with the same niche and high domain authority  *to get a detailed understanding of Search Engine Optimization referred to as SEO

Search Engine Marketing :

Search Engine Marketing is that Marketing strategy that is used to increase the visibility of  your website on SERP through paid media marketing activities. 
This paid media strategy works on both Search Engines and Search Engine Display Networks.
Popular Search engine GOOGLE has a wide network of Search and Display Networks.
SEM Ads include Search Ads, Banner Ads, and Video Ads.
Due to this huge wide network, SEM is also known as Performance Marketing and Google Ads.

    *Refer to SEM  for a Detailed understanding of Search Engine Marketing*

Social Media Marketing :

Social Media Marketing is a form of online Marketing that use Social trending and popular app as Marketing tool and provide a platform for Brands To Advertise their products and services to their target audience. 

      Social media marketing includes:
         ➤ Organic Social Media is used to showcase the branding of companies through organic content in such a way that the users can directly come in contact with the brand.

         ➤ Inorganic Social Media, uses a medium like performance marketing and paid ads to  reach the target audience for awareness and sales of a particular brand product 

         ➤ Online Reputation Management, sometimes brands get into trouble as unsatisfied customers write directly to brands and the Complaint is open to all,  to maintain the reputation of the brand Reputation management team is hired to take control over the social handles of brands and to resolve the problem of customers early as possible.

   *Refer to SMM for a Detailed understanding of Social Media Marketing*

Email Marketing :

Using Emails to promote your Business directly to customers to make them aware of late  items and offers is known as Email Marketing.
Email Marketing is used for Remarketing purposes and to increase the engagement between  the brand and the Customer.
Email Marketing Include Email Newsletter, Acquisition emails, Retention Emails and   Promotional emails.

   *Refer to Email Marketing   for a Detailed understanding of Email Marketing*

Remarketing :

Remarketing is engaging with your audience who have already interacted with your brand  and encouraging them to take a decision that interests them such as making a purchase.
Remarketing is the most important form of Marketing as in this process we are targeting the  users that have already intact with our brand and they need some push to make a final  purchase as no new customer makes a purchase in the first search so it is necessary to be  with the customer on every stage and that can be easily possible through Remarketing.
For example, customers might log in to your site and add products to their shopping cart, but leave without purchasing so here is the need to remarket the audience who have  interacted with us.

   *Refer to Remarketing   for a Detailed understanding of Remarketing*

Influencer Marketing :

Influencer Marketing is a New age marketing where Influencers are paid by the Brands to  promote their Brands across Social Media where they have a good number of followers.  Influencers are paid and classified as per their followings as Nano and micro- influencer (with  10,000-50,000 followers) and Macro influencers with (1,00,000 – 10,00,000 followers), After that Comes to the Celebrity with More than 1 Million of following.

   *Refer to Influencer Marketing   for a Detailed understanding of Influencer marketing *                  

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